xl elet el = document.getElementById('cSize');
{title:I Will Survive}


[Am]At first I was afraid, I was pet[Dm]rified I kept thinkin' I co[G]uld never live
without you b[C]y my side But then I spe[F]nt so many nights just thinking [B]how you've
done me wrong And I grew st[E]rong, I learned[E7] how to get along...

And so you're b[Am]ack from outer s[Dm]pace, I just walked i[G]n to find you here with
that, that l[C]ook upon your face,  I should have chang[F]ed my stupid lock, I
would have m[B]ade you leave your key- If I'd have kn[E]own for just one second you'd
be ba[E7]ck to bother me.

Oh now [Am]go, walk out the d[Dm]oor, Just turn aroun[G]d now, you're not welc[C]ome
anymore.[F] Weren't you the one who tried to bre[B]ak me with desire? Did you think
I'd cr[E]umble? Did you think I'd l[E7]ay down and die?

Oh not [Am]I, I will su[Dm]rvive, Yeah, as lo[G]ng as I know how to love, I kn[C]ow I'll be
alive. I've got a[F]ll my life to live, I've got [B]all my love to give, I will
sur[E]vive, I will sur[E7]vive, Yeah, yeah...


It took a[Am]ll the strength I had just not to fall ap[Dm]art,  I'm tryin' h[G]ard to
mend the pieces of my br[C]oken heart, And I spent o[F]h so many nights just
feelin' sor[B]ry for myself, I used to c[E]ry, But now I h[E7]old my head up high.

And you�ll see [Am]me with somebody n[Dm]ew, I'm not that st[G]upid little person still
in lo[C]ve with you. And so you t[F]hought you'd just drop by and you exp[B]ect me to
be free, But now I'm s[E]aving all my lovin' for some[E7]one who's lovin' me,

Oh now [Am]go, walk out the d[Dm]oor, Just turn aroun[G]d now, you're not welc[C]ome
anymore.[F] Weren't you the one who tried to bre[B]ak me with desire? Did you think
I'd cr[E]umble? Did you think I'd l[E7]ay down and die?

Oh not [Am]I, I will su[Dm]rvive, Yeah, as lo[G]ng as I know how to love, I kn[C]ow I'll be
alive. I've got a[F]ll my life to live, I've got [B]all my love to give, I will
sur[E]vive, I will su[E7]rvive, Yeah, yeah...