{title:I've Just Seen A Face} {subtitle:The Beatles} {x_sortartist:Beatles} {Comment:Capo 2nd fret} {Comment:Intro} [F#m]. . . [F#m]. . . [F#m]. . . [F#m]. . . [D]. . . [Em/D]. . . [D] [G]I've just seen a face I can't forget the time or place where [D/F#]we just [Em]met She's just the girl for me and I want all the world to see we've m[C]et [C]Mm mm mm [D]mm mm[G] mm [G]Had it been another day I might have looked the other way [D/F#]and [Em]I'd have never been aware but as it is I'll dream of her tonight[D] [C]Da da da [D]da da[G] da [D]Falling yes I am [C]falling and she keeps [G]calling [C]me back a[G]gain [G]I have never known the likes of this I've been [D/F#]alone and [Em]I have Missed things and kept out of sight but but other girls were never quite like [C]this [C]Da da da [D]da da[G] da [D]Falling yes I am [C]falling and she keeps [G]calling [C]me back a[G]gain {Comment:Guitar solo played to verse chords} [G] [D/F#] [Em] [C] [C] [D] [G] [D]Falling yes I am [C]falling and she keeps [G]calling [C]me back a[G]gain [G]I've just seen a face I can't forget the time or place where [D/F#]we just [Em]met She's just the girl for me and I want all the world to see we've m[C]et [C]Mm mm mm [D]Da da[G] da [D]Falling yes I am [C]falling and she keeps [G]calling [C]me back a[G]gain [D]Falling yes I am [C]falling and she keeps [G]calling [C]me back a[G]gain [D]Falling yes I am [C]falling and she keeps [G]calling [C]me back a[G]gain {Comment:Intro} {sot} Guitar #1 part is on 1st & 3rd strings Guitar #2 part on 4th, 5th, and 6th strings {eot} {sot} E --------2---2---2---5---5---5----9----9----9----14----14----14- B --------------------------------------------------------------- G ------2---2---2---6---6---6---11---11---11---14----14----14---- D ----------------------------------------------4--------2------- A --------------------------------------------------------------- E --5-4-2-------------------------------------------------------- E -----10----10----10----12----12----12----14----14----14----14----14----14- B -------------------------------------------------------------------------- G --11----11----11----12----12----12----14----14----14----14----14----14---- D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A ---5-----------------------------------------------------5--------4------- E -------------------------------------------------------------------------- E -----13----13----13----11----11----11---------------------- B ----------------------------------------------------------- G --12----12----12----10----10----10------------------------- D ----------------------------------------------------------- A ---2------------------------------------------------------- E ---------------------5--------4-------5-------------------- {eot} # --- Song data for GuitarTapp library, do not remove: # artist = The Beatles # title = I've Just Seen A Face # type = chords # instrument = guitar # version = 1 # transpose = 0