xl elet el = document.getElementById('cSize');
{title:Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)}
{subtitle:Green Day}

[G]Another turning point a[C] fork stuck in the roa[D]d
Time gr[G]abs by the wrist di[C]rects you where to g[D]o
So m[Em]ake the bes[D]t of this [C]test and don't ask w[G]hy
It's[Em] not a quest[D]ion but a lesso[C]n learned in[G] time
It'[Em]s something unpred[G]ictable but in th[Em]e end it ri[G]ght
I hop[Em]e you had the tim[D]e of your life[G]

S[G]o take the photographs an[C]d still frames in your[D] mind
Hang it[G] on a shelf and goo[C]d health and good time[D]
[Em]Tattoos the me[D]mories and test [C]get on tri[G]al
For wh[Em]at it's worth i[D]t was wort[C]h all the whil[G]e
It's s[Em]omething unpredict[G]able but in [Em]the end it ri[G]ght
I h[Em]ope you had the ti[D]me of your lif[G]e

It'[Em]s something unpredict[G]able but in the [Em]end it's rig[G]ht
I ho[Em]pe you had the ti[D]me of your life[G]

It'[Em]s something unpredict[G]able but in the [Em]end it's righ[G]t
I ho[Em]pe you had the ti[D]me of your life[G]
# --- Song data for GuitarTapp library, do not remove:
# artist = Green Day
# title = Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)
# type = chords
# instrument = guitar
# version = 1
# transpose = 0