{title:Do You Want to Know a Secret} {subtitle:The Beatles} {x_sortartist:Beatles} [Em] You'll never know how much I rea[Am]lly lo[Em]ve you [G] You'll never know how much I re[F]ally c[B7]are {sot} e |-----------------| B |-----------------| G |-----------------| D |--------0---1----| A |--2/4-2---2----2-| E |-----------------| {eot} [E]Listen[G#m][Gm][F#m] Do you w[B7]ant to know a se[E]cret[G#m][Gm][F#m] [F#m]Do you p[B7]romise not to t[E]ell, [G#m] [Gm]whoa [F#m]oh, oh[F] [E]Closer[G#m][Gm][F#m] Let me wh[B7]isper in your e[E]ar[G#m][Gm][F#m] Say the wo[B7]rds you long to h[A]ear[B7] I'm in love with y[C#m]ou o[F#m]h[B7] {columns: 2} Listen Do you want to know a secret Do you promise not to tell, whoa oh, oh Closer Let me whisper in your ear Say the words you long to hear I'm in love with you [A]I've known the se[F#m]cret for a we[C#m]ek or t[Bm]wo [A]Nobody kn[F#m]ows, j[C#m]ust we t[Bm]wo- [F#m]o[B7] {column_break} Listen Do you want to know a secret Do you promise not to tell, whoa oh, oh Closer Let me whisper in your ear Say the words you long to hear I'm in love with you # --- Song data for GuitarTapp library, do not remove: # artist = The Beatles # title = Do You Want to Know a Secret # type = chords # instrument = guitar # version = 1 # transpose = 0