{title:Danny's Song} {subtitle:Kenny Loggins} Pe[D]ople Smile and t[C]ell me I'm the l[Bm]ucky one, And we've j[E]ust begun, Think I'm gonna h[A]ave a son. H[D]e will be like s[C]he and me, as f[Bm]ree as a dove, Conc[E]eived in love, Sun is gonna sh[A]ine above. {comment:Chorus} E[G]ven though we a[A]in't got money, I[D]'m so in l[Bm]ove with you honey, Ev[G]erything will b[A]ring a chain of l[D]ove.[Bm] [G]In the morning w[A]hen I rise, B[D]ring a tear of j[C]oy to my eyes, Te[Bm]lls me ev[E7]erythi[A]ng's gonna be all right. {comment:Verse 2} S[D]eems as though a [C]month ago I was [Bm]Beta-Chi, Never g[E]ot high, Oh I was a s[A]orry guy. N[D]ow a smile and f[C]ace, a girl that s[Bm]hares my name, Now I'm t[E]hrough with the game, This boy will never b[A]e the same. {comment:Chorus} E[G]ven though we a[A]in't got money, I[D]'m so in l[Bm]ove with you honey, Ev[G]erything will b[A]ring a chain of l[D]ove.[Bm] [G]In the morning w[A]hen I rise, B[D]ring a tear of j[C]oy to my eyes, Te[Bm]lls me ev[E7]erythi[A]ng's gonna be all right. {comment:Verse 3} P[D]isces Virgo r[C]ising is a v[Bm],ery good sign, S[E]trong and kind, And the little b[A]oy is mine. N[D]ow I see a f[C]amily where there o[Bm]nce was none, Now we've j[E]ust begun, Yeah, we're gonna f[A]ly to the sun. {comment:Chorus} E[G]ven though we a[A]in't got money, I[D]'m so in l[Bm]ove with you honey, Ev[G]erything will b[A]ring a chain of l[D]ove.[Bm] [G]In the morning w[A]hen I rise, B[D]ring a tear of j[C]oy to my eyes, Te[Bm]lls me ev[E7]erythi[A]ng's gonna be all right. {comment:Verse 4} L[D]ove the girl who h[C]olds the world in a p[Bm]aper cup, D[E]rink it up, Love her and she'll b[A]ring you luck. A[D]nd if you find she h[C]elps your mind, better t[Bm]ake her home, Don't you l[E]ive alone, Try to learn what l[A]over's own. {comment:Chorus} E[G]ven though we a[A]in't got money, I[D]'m so in l[Bm]ove with you honey, Ev[G]erything will b[A]ring a chain of l[D]ove.[Bm] [G]In the morning w[A]hen I rise, B[D]ring a tear of j[C]oy to my eyes, Te[Bm]lls me ev[E7]erythi[A]ng's gonna be all right. # --- Song data for GuitarTapp library, do not remove: # artist = Kenny Loggins # title = Danny's Song # type = chords # instrument = guitar # version = 1 # transpose = 0