This Boy
Chords: } {c:Play the chords in these positions for the best sound
E7 020100
D X00232
Bm7 X20202
A7 X02020
G 355433
A6 X02222
Dmaj7 X00222
Em7 020030
A7sus X02030
A6 A6 A6
Dmaj7 Bm7 G A
Dmaj7 Bm7 G A
Dmaj7 Bm7 Em7 A7sus Dmaj7 Bm7
That boytook my love away.
Em7 A7sus Dmaj7 Bm7
Though he’ll regret it someday,
Em7 A6 Dmaj7 Bm7 Em7 A7sus A7
This boy wants you back again.
Dmaj7 Bm7 Em7 A7sus Dmaj7 Bm7
That boyisn’t good for you.
Em7 A7sus Dmaj7 Bm7
Though he may want you, too,
Em7 A6 Dmaj7 Bm7 D
This boy wants you back again
D7 G F#7
Oh, and this boy would be happy
Bm D7
Just tolove you, but oh my-y-y-y
G E7
That boy won’t be happy
A7 A6
’Til he’s seen you cry-y-y-oh
Dmaj7 Bm7 Em7 A7sus Dmaj7 Bm7
This boywouldn’t mind the pain,
Em7 A7sus Dmaj7 Bm
Would always feel the same,
Em7 A6 Dmaj7 Bm7 Em7 A7sus A7
’Til this boy gets you back again.
Dmaj7 Bm7 Em7 A7 Em7 A7
This boy
Dmaj7 Bm7 Em7 A7 Em7 A7
This boy
Dmaj7 Bm7 Em7 A7 Em7 A7
This boy